Elevate and transform the heart of your curriculum with IHT's teacher and student resources that bring a holistic, backward design teaching and learning approach to your program that empowers students to live life without limits.
The Texas Education Agency made IHT's curriculum an official PE elective course in 2010, declaring "This is how PE should be taught!" Our Teacher and Student Resources are now aligned to National Standards, used by teachers globally and built with the Understanding by Design® (UbD™) framework developed by nationally recognized educators Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe. UbD™ emphasizes the teacher's critical role as a designer of student learning and works within the standards-driven curriculum to help teachers clarify learning goals, devise revealing assessments of student understanding, and craft effective and engaging learning activities.
The Spirit Curriculum includes scientifically researched lessons, an interactive journal, nutrition and social emotion learning integration, and parent and community engagement opportunities and is included at no cost to our customers. Interested in purchasing the standalone curriculum? Fill out the form below and we’ll get right back to you.
Just as it is important to grow up from childhood to becoming an adult, it is just as important to “grow deeper” in our own understanding, our acceptance and in the gratitude and appreciation we have for ourselves and for others.
Through the Spirit System®, teachers have access to a robust library of research-based, heart-centered lesson plans and resources. Each lesson is designed to reflect a three-stage design process called "backward design" that delays the planning of classroom activities until goals have been clarified and assessments designed, which are then measures in the Spirit software. We believe teachers become most effective when they seek feedback from students and their peers and use that feedback to adjust approaches to lesson design and teaching. Our Spirit lessons help students connect to themselves and connect to something bigger than themselves.
The heart of the Spirit Student Journal lies within each individual. While the Spirit System® technology helps track a student’s physical health, the Spirit Journal is their mind and emotional well-being aerobics.
The Spirit Student Journal is a companion tool that accompanies the Spirit Curriculum. It is broken into holistic themes and reflections that progress throughout the course. IHT offers both online and hard copy options.
Of course, the rubber meets the road with assessment. Backward design calls for teachers to make their goals or standards specific and concrete, in terms of assessment evidence, exactly what the Spirit System® is designed for. Interested in purchasing? Fill out the form below and we’ll get right back to you.
It’s time to turn your vision into real change and harness the results and outcomes of your efforts and passion. Those that can be measured. And those measured in ways beyond numbers. Let’s get started and make great things happen.