Dream Big When Seeking Funding For Your Program
Let IHT Help You Make It Happen
IHT is dedicated to enriching the personal and professional growth and support for teachers. Let us help you identify and put together your funding request that can enrich your program with IHT technology.
How to Secure ESSA
Funding for IHT
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) introduced Title IV Funding, which allocates more than $1.3 Billion every year to school districts nationwide. Title IV, Part A provides funding for programs committed to “maintaining safe and healthy students” including health and physical education and “support the effective use of technology” that must be measurable.
With IHT’s combination of wrist-based heart rate monitors customized assessment software and our Understanding by Design (UbD™) curriculum, IHT is a perfect fit for Title IV and numerous schools have been successful in securing funds to integrate IHT.