IHT has endorsed 1Ed Tech’s TrustEd Apps Pledge to help positively influence the edtech ecosystem.

The TrustED Apps Program aims to make open standards and data privacy top-of-mind as schools think about integrating new education technology into their learning systems.

Trusted“In the digital age, data security is not just an IT issue,” IHT CEO Jen Ohlson said. “It’s a prerequisite for trust in education. That principle stands at the forefront of IHT’s values.”

1EdTech maintains a listing of more than 11,000 digital education products that it certifies and endorses. The goal is to provide educators with a resource as to which technologies might be simple plug-and-play additions to their digital ecosystem without requiring them to do extensive research on their own.

By endorsing the pledge, IHT stands with others as part of a committed community that puts trust at the center of the edtech ecosystem. To see a list of other companies who have endorsed the pledge, click here. To endorse the pledge yourself, click here.

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    IHT Endorses TrustED Apps Pledge
    Article Name
    IHT Endorses TrustED Apps Pledge
    IHT has endorsed 1Ed Tech’s TrustEd Apps Pledge to help positively influence the edtech ecosystem.
    Publisher Name
    Interactive Health Technologies, LLC
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