Helping Physical Education And Physical Activity
Programs Build Lives Without Limits
IHT combines wrist heart rate technology made specifically for students, meaningful data, and curriculum that personalizes learning and self-discovery; all while connecting every stakeholder. The result is the largest connected physical education and activity assessment platform in education.
A Solution To Maximizing
Student Motivation
The IHT Spirit technology system is created specifically for kids and educators to manage and centralize group training and data, all while making a personal connection with each individual.

“With IHT we are validating and replicating the ongoing research that proves students who engage in quality physical education at an elevated heart rate return to their STEM classrooms in a higher state of academic readiness.”
Jencie Fagan, Former Lead PE Teacher at Pine Middle School in Reno, Nevada

Customize Your PE Assessments
IHT houses a teacher’s entire curriculum and connects to a Learning Management System (LMS) to streamline classroom management. The IHT Spirit System® software provides customized data capture and reporting capabilities from the individual to multi-district and state levels, including an email summary sent immediately to students and parents as soon as their session is over.