Jan. 19, 2017 – New for 2017, to make it even easier for schools to enjoy the benefits of heart rate training, IHT is now including free IHT Spirit Heart Rate Monitor software with the purchase of any new IHT ZONE wrist heart rate monitor or bundled package. The free Spirit HRM software license covers three years of classroom use and tracks student heart rate against teacher-assigned goals and delivers personalized reports to each student.

Students testing out the IHT ZONE view their heart rate data on a computer for the first time.

ZONE Spirit HRM Software

Our PE-specific software enables teachers to use one set of ZONE heart rate monitors for multiple classes. By collecting heart rate data, teachers can generate individual, class, school, district and even state level reports that demonstrate their PE program’s ability to engage students in moderate to vigorous physical activity.

The software collects student heart rate data, measures how long the student spent in each heart rate zone defined by moderate to vigorous physical activity standards and assesses the student’s performance against class goals. The reports generated through the Spirit HRM software are emailed directly to students, the teacher and – if desired – the student’s parents at the end of each physical education class.

Customers can receive the free software as part of a customizable package that includes multiple monitors, chargers, IHT Spirit Classroom Readers and Introduction to IHT Spirit Webinars for support, a savings of $1,000.

Spirit Assessment Measures Software

IHT’s Spirit Assessment Measures Software remains available at an additional cost for teachers who want to take advantage of a PE management tool that goes beyond analyzing student heart rate. With the IHT Spirit Assessment Measures Software, teachers can assess students’ PE performance over a number of metrics including widely recognized fitness tests.

The IHT Spirit Assessment Measures Software is the perfect PE management tool that expands beyond heart rate data collection. Designed by teachers and tied directly to the latest methods, standards and outcomes, the Spirit Assessment Measures Software also manages IHT’s Spirit Curriculum Resources (available for individual purchase) and can be customized to assess students on any teacher-created rubric or test. The software also allows teachers to tie academic performance to student fitness.

Linking PE Performance to Academic Achievement

We believe PE has a role to play in improving classroom management and academic performance, so we have include the ability to track and correlate increased moderate to vigorous activity and improved fitness to improved grades and classroom management metrics.

A three-year license to run the IHT-Zone Assessment Measures Software is available for $1,000 and can be renewed after that for $300 annually.
