Dallas New Tech High students driven by data to work harder
Fri, 3 Jun 2016Also available on the New Tech Network website.With the end of the school year comes the final report card. For students, it’s hopefully a positive affirmation of
Fri, 3 Jun 2016Also available on the New Tech Network website.With the end of the school year comes the final report card. For students, it’s hopefully a positive affirmation of
Ben Hemberger routinely talks to his physical education students at Fosston (Minn.) High School about getting outside of their comfort zones.“Sometimes if you want to see progress, you need to
Tue, 24 May 2016 Students tap their IHT Spirit System heart rate monitors in before use in a PE class. As his school year ground toward its inevitable
Fri, 20 May 2016 As May progresses and students begin to turn their eyes toward summer vacation, teachers begin focusing on what’s next. What did I do this year that
Voting in the second annual IHT Spirit Video Challenge closes on Friday, so there’s still time to help your favorite video win. Teachers and students have been entering two-minute videos