Dream Big When Seeking Funding For Your Program
Let IHT Help You Make It Happen
IHT is dedicated to enriching the personal and professional growth and support for teachers. Let us help you identify and put together your funding request that can enrich your program with IHT technology.

How to Secure ESSA
Funding for IHT
The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) introduced Title IV Funding, which allocates more than $1.3 Billion every year to school districts nationwide. Title IV, Part A provides funding for programs committed to “maintaining safe and healthy students” including health and physical education and “support the effective use of technology” that must be measurable.
With IHT’s combination of wrist-based heart rate monitors customized assessment software and our Understanding by Design (UbD™) curriculum, IHT is a perfect fit for Title IV and numerous schools have been successful in securing funds to integrate IHT.
How to Secure ESSER
Funding for IHT
Launched to aid schools’ recovery from COVID, ESSER (and other pandemic-related funding) delivered nearly $200 billion to schools across the country. Though the USDOE mandated allocate-by date of Sept. 30, 2024 has passed, local education agencies have until 2026 to complete their spending if they requested an extension. Track the ESSER spending here.
The ESSER funding provides much more funding with fewer requirements than ESSA funding. ESSER funding can be used as “emergency relief funds to address the impact that COVID-19 has had, and continues to have, on elementary and secondary schools across the nation.”
5 Key Steps to Secure Funding for Your Vision

Concept Development
Align your goals your district’s strategic plan. Focus on the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) Model. Think of the many ways IHT can impact your district beyond your subject area to strengthen your proposal’s value. Create an inclusive and far-reaching wellness vision.

Solidify Your Budget Request
It’s important to know how much to ask for so you can identify the best potential funding sources. You only need as many heart rate monitors as your largest class size. Each monitor can be worn by multiple students throughout the day. For all-day emotional or mental health efforts, work with your IHT representative to create a customized quote that optimizes your vision and budget.

Identify Your Funding Administrator
From federal grants to technology funds to direct budgets to PTA/PTOs and other district sources, chances are that your district already has the funding to approve your request. Get the right decision-maker involved and make them aware of your request. Then let IHT help create an overview that brings your vision to life.

Create Your Presentation
With videos, grant templates, slide presentations and report examples, IHT has the resources to help you build your proposal. Include data that details the cost per student and how IHT’s technology can impact many subject areas that focus on physical, mental, emotional and academic success daily-to-yearly.

Request a Meeting
With the proper resources in hand, request a face-to-face meeting with your district grant director or school administrator in charge of funding. Be confident during the meeting and focus on your clear, well-thought-out proposal that explains the goals and the trackable student impact that your program can achieve if your funding request is granted.