Q: What is the greatest student success you’ve seen since your students started working with the IHT ZONE heart rate monitors?

A: The greatest student success I’ve seen with using the IHT ZONE heart rate monitors is students taking personal responsibility for their activity level during class. If I stop to talk to the class, there are always a handful of kids jogging in place or completing some movement to keep their heart rates up. If their partner runs to use the restroom, the other is often doing jumping jacks while waiting. I have shared with them many times that I always factor these moments into my goal planning but they are always striving for more. I have had to recreate my yearly unit plans to make sure that the activities provide my students with multiple opportunities to get into the zone.

Q: What is the most important thing you hope to accomplish with/for your students during the next year?

A: For the upcoming year, I am wanting to improve my sharing of assessment data with students. I used the IHT reports for parent-teacher conferences and parents were very appreciative of the feedback. I now want to channel that information to the students.

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    In their own words: Misty Atnip, Baldwin Creek Elementary
    Article Name
    In their own words: Misty Atnip, Baldwin Creek Elementary
    Baldwin Creek Elementary School teacher Misty Atnip shares her IHT ZONE accomplishments and goals.
    Publisher Name
    Interactive Health Technologies, LLC
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