Additude: Physical Activity Reduces Depressive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents
Originally published Jan. 22, 2023 by ADDitude Magazine. By Melanie Wolkoff Wachsman Physical activity can significantly reduce depressive symptoms in children and adolescents, according to a recent study published in JAMA Pediatrics. The meta-analysis of 21
Powell Tribune: New fitness classes to join high school schedule next year
Originally published Jan. 19, 2023 in the Powell Tribune. By Braden Schiller Powell High School will be offering a recreation and lifetime activities class and a group exercise and personal wellness class to students for
MIT News: Bringing movement into the classroom and academics into the gym
Originally published Dec. 19, 2022 by MIT News. By Danna Lorch It’s highly unusual for MIT students to be encouraged to throw one another to the floor, but that’s exactly what was happening during a
Teacher’s Vision Leads Students to Own Their Wellness Journeys
Heart Rate Monitors Provide Incentive and Objective Assessment to Develop Self-Accountability Among Students Long before Orlandus Thomas joined Intrinsic Charter High School (Chicago) as athletics director and physical education teacher, he’d wanted to purchase IHT
Journal News: Hamilton PE teacher wins only Ohio gold award
Originally published Dec. 25, 2022 by The Journal-News. By Michael D. Clark A Hamilton Schools’ physical education teacher is the only 2022 winner in Ohio of a prestigious gold-medal award for excellence in her work
Seattle Times: UW study: Prescribe more physical activity to shrink health care costs
Originally published Dec. 31, 2022 by The Seattle Times. By Elise Takahama Widespread medical efforts to prescribe more physical activity or more regularly check in on patients’ activity levels could significantly reduce the nation’s health