Los Alamos High School Hosts Summer PE Classes
Originally published June 26, 2022 by the Los Alamos Daily Post. By Carol A. Clark After a two-year hiatus, students are once again participating in summer physical education classes at Los Alamos High School (LAHS).
Increase Opportunities to Secure Federal Funding for Essential PE, SEL Program Purchases
The largest pool of available funding to purchase IHT ZONE heart rate monitors for your student physical and emotional wellness program comes from the U.S. Department of Education. The most significant amounts of federal funding
Power of PE – good school experiences have generational impact
Originally published June 7, 2022 by Southwest Londoner. By Dr. Richard Carmona Just 32% of UK parents have positive memories of PE and school sport as a child. New research from the Youth Sport Trust,
Teen exercise can help mental health
Originally published June 16, 2022 in the North Texas E-News. By Dr. Richard Carmona The Covid-19 pandemic has presented numerous challenges for our country. The disease has taken more than a million lives in the
It’s time to get our kids — and all of us, really — moving again
Originally published June 24, 2022 by Delaware Online. By Bill Farquhar and Lynette Craft Too many people in the U.S. are physically inactive, which contributes to chronic disease, excessive health care costs, and premature death.
Students Soar Following Personalized Assessment Wearing IHT ZONE Heart Rate Monitors
Individual Assessment is Key Component Encouraging Students Through Personalized Learning Physical education teachers use IHT ZONE heart rate monitors to assess students without subjective comparisons to classmates. In his article “From Zero Sum to Positive