Originally published April 4, 2018 in the Del Mar Times.
Karen Billing
The Del Mar Schools Education Foundation is on the home stretch for its fundraising year, making great strides due to some very successful school jog-a-thons. Sage Canyon Elementary School, in particular, raised more money than ever with this year’s jog-a-thon, bringing in $91,972.
“We started the year with Carmel Del Mar having the highest family participation rate we’ve had in the past with an 81 percent participation rate,” said Susan Polizzotto, president of the Del Mar Schools Education Foundation (DMSEF) of some of this year’s fundraising highlights. “But we are far from our goal of $1.9 million. We need at least $1.7 million to help the district keep the same level of STEAM+ specialists they had this year.”
This year the DMSEF’s goal is to raise $1.9 million to fund STEAM+ learning specialists in the subjects of science, technology, engineering, arts, mathematics and physical education for all eight Del Mar Union School District schools in Del Mar and Carmel Valley.
If DMSEF is not able to reach its goal, there will be a direct impact on STEAM+ staffing decisions for next year as the district’s budget projection allows the district to fund approximately 60 percent of STEAM+ specialists, leaving the remaining 40 percent up to DMSEF to fund, Polizzotto said.
With about $943,550 raised so far this year, DMSEF is about $55,000 behind from where they were at this point last year which Polizzotto attributed to some higher operating expenses and lower corporate matching dollars. She said they can expect to bring in some funds from the recent Carmel Valley 5K and school sites will continue to hold fundraising jog-a-thons as the foundation continues the push toward the April 30 deadline.
“The month of April is a big effort on our part to let the parents know that we are thankful for their gifts and if they can give more, we’d appreciate it,” Polizzotto said. “If parents, businesses and members of this incredible community come together to support the exceptional public education that we have in this district, then we will be able to continue to have one of the top elementary school districts in the state.”
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