“I think it will make a phys ed teacher’s life so much easier and I think it makes it easier to connect with students, and that’s really all I care about…my ability to have conversations with my kids about where they are and how they can manage/improve their own health and well-being.” – Doug Hallberg, PE teacher at Draper Middle School, Mohonasen (N.Y.) school district
“It was an incredible year all the way around from the opportunity to share all of this objective data with parents to motivating unmotivated kids. I felt a renewed sense of accomplishment professionally as well.” – John Dunlop, PE teacher at Portage Central (Mich.) Middle School
“My classes are 80 minutes long. At the end of 80 minutes, the boy, Alex, had 59 minutes in or above his target heart rate, way above what I had set the goal for. His sister, Anastasia, had 19 minutes, way below what I set the goal for…side by side in the exact same class. So I called them both over at the end of class. I said, ‘hey Alex, that’s phenomenal. Anastasia, what’s going on?’ It’s not about the grade. It’s about the ability to have that conversation with her and have data to back it up. So, I think that’s where the value in this becomes: to meet kids about a very personal and individual level and have a conversation with them about what’s going on.” – Doug Hallberg, PE teacher at Draper Middle School, Mohonasen (N.Y.) school district