Originally published Nov. 30, 2019 in Greenwich Free Press.
The CT Dept of Education recognized Greenwich Schools as a highly performing physically active school system (PASS), awarding the district the 2019 Connecticut Red Ribbon PASS Program Award.
The PASS award reflects the district’s commitment to students being physically active at least 60 minutes each school day, meeting these requirements:
Connect: Successfully acknowledge the connection between mind and body through the offering of 60 minutes of activity daily
- Cooperate: Successfully develop and execute community-based physical programs (developing cooperation between school and members of the community)
- Collaborate: Successfully promote collaboration among the school community and external stakeholders
- Communicate: Successfully communicate physical education programming and activities
In the PASS Award application ISD was used as a representative of physical activity offered in Greenwich Schools.
Examples shared in the application include:
- Physical Education: 120 minutes/week
- Before school programming: 40 minutes/day; 5 days/week
- After school programming: 60 minutes/day; 5 days/week
- Daily recess: 20 minutes/day
- PTA sponsored “Wellness Week” includes nutrition programming in the cafeteria
- ISD Skate Night: PTA-sponsored annual event to provide an opportunity for a physically active and social event.
- ISD’s Annual 5K Color Challenge (a community fundraiser and physical fitness event that draws hundreds of participants)
- Accessible busing to local Boys and Girls Club and YWCA for after school programs
- Physical Education Academic Report (presented publicly to the Board of Education and to the community)
- ISD’s Weekly “Dragon Tales” newsletter
“This is an exciting recognition for our entire school district and we are thrilled that the International School at Dundee will host our award banner. Our Physical Education staff is committed to creating fun, inclusive and creative ways for our students to be active throughout their school experience,” said Greenwich School Superintendent Dr. Toni Jones.
The Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) identified our district as a PASS award recipient on the department’s “Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child” (WSCC) webpage.
Program Coordinator for Physical Education/Health/Family & Consumer Science Jeremy Boland and Chief Academic Officer Irene Parisi attended the Connecticut Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (CAHPERD)’s General Session on November 21, 2019 in Cromwell to formally accept the award.
“While Irene and I may have accepted the award, it was truly an honor given to our entire Physical Education staff, broader administration, PTA members and Greenwich community. I’m very proud to be able to say that Greenwich was one of only two school districts in the State of Connecticut that received this particular award,” Boland said.
The notification letter said:
“The CSDE commends your district’s efforts to provide students with opportunities to be physically active throughout the school day and shares your commitment to including physical activity as an essential component of student success.”
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