Originally published Feb. 20, 2019 in the Herald-Mail.
By Meg Partington
Healthy Berkeley, a community collaborative headed by WVU Medicine Berkeley Medical Center that includes several local organizations and volunteer community members, raises funds through the Truffle Shuffle 5K to fund physical-activity grants for Berkeley County schoolteachers.
Healthy Berkeley has awarded more than $6,000 in grants over the last four years, potentially impacting more than 6,600 students. The funding goes to a wide range of equipment that teachers can use for classrooms, and during recess and after-school programs.

Amanda Fenton, left, and Jennifer Haythorn, first-grade teachers at Spring Mills Primary, admire their fitness dice.
Items funded this year included equipment for physical activity breaks during classroom time; sports equipment for recess; motor-learning equipment; active options for indoor recess; and Xbox Kinects for physical education in the cafeteria.
Spring Mills Primary was awarded funding for fitness dice for all classroom teachers.
“Thanks to the Healthy Berkeley grant, along with two additional funding sources, each classroom teacher received a set of the dice to support engagement and movement,” Lisa Bogolin, Spring Mills Primary teacher, said in a news release. “Exercise makes us feel good. Research shows that exercise helps us mentally, physically and emotionally, and that creates a great learning environment.”
Funding comes from proceeds from the Truffle Shuffle 5K and Kids Fun Run, which is held in conjunction with Main Street Martinsburg’s Chocolate Fest. This year, the Truffle Shuffle is April 27.
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