Originally published March 19, 2020 by WBNG12 News.
By Dan Conklin
Since schools across Broome County shut their doors on March 16th, educators have been left to figure out the best method to continue education.
Like many districts, administrators at Union-Endicott are taking a technological approach.
Chromebooks are being sent home with all elementary students in the district, allowing them to stay connected with the education process.
The administration says the education of its students, including those who may not have internet access, remains a top priority across the district.
“This is new for our elementary students to be able to take them home at night. We recognize that not every family has access to computers or technology or even to wifi. So we’re doing everything that we can to support that learning at home,” Superintendent Nicole Wolfe explained.
The district is offering more than just educational resources to its students. It’s also giving information and resources on how to keep healthy and fit throughout the coming weeks.
Using the take-home Chromebooks, students can discover good methods to get some exercise and stay fit while away from school.
The district says now more than ever, watching after your physical fitness and health should be a major priority.
“Keeping your health and wellness during this time is obviously very crucial. Cardiovascular, or anything just to keep your immune system up. Even if it’s for ten minutes, getting outside or doing something at home is very important for your health,” U-E Athletic Director Ryan Hallenbeck said.
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