Originally published Feb. 11, 2021 by KTVB7.
By Tami Tremblay
Sometimes you just have to laugh - and while moving your body is no exception. Dusty Berg, the physical education teacher at Vision Charter School in Caldwell, says that teaching has its serious side, but he does not take himself too seriously.
"It's been a really trying year and if you can grab something and make it fun for the kids you do it," said Berg. "You gotta make them laugh!"
He says it's important to make education enjoyable and that's what he strives to do in his P.E. classes.
"I don't want to cause any political uproar but kids like P.E. more than any other subject, you can look it up on the Google machine," Berg joked. "They come happy and excited, and if that doesn't bring a smile to your face there's something wrong with you."
Berg admits it has been hard teaching P.E. while remote. He is thankful that Vision Charter School is at least partially in school right now, following a hybrid model.
"As a P.E. teacher, honestly once you put all the giggles aside, I want kids off the screens, up and moving and getting activity, because we started up P.E. classes again and everyone is winded - we want to get feeling alive again!" he said
He is full of enthusiasm and says his goal is to bring that to school every day.
"Teachers expect a lot out of students, and I do too, but there's a business side and a fun side, and the connection to kids is about you being able to not take yourself so seriously and to have fun and let your guard down," Berg said. "As long as everyone knows when it's business time and when it's fun time then your classes will be highly effective."
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