Originally published Aug. 17, 2021 by Cision/PRNewswire.
What is the most important job in America?" asks PHIT America.
Have you ever thought about this question? It is a job that improves students' academic results, improves children's health, reduces children's stress and anxiety, develops children's character and confidence, reduces the chance kids will smoke or do drugs, improves national security, and provides a pathway to life-long well-being. It is a job which is overlooked and disrespected by 1,000's of schools in America – It is a physical education teacher. This is the conclusion by a successful executive who has managed major companies and been inducted into two Hall of Fames.
Jim Baugh, the Founder of national charity, PHIT America, challenges anyone to come up with a job that does even half of the benefits listed above. "I have studied what is happening to kids, and it is so obvious physical education teachers are the vital link to improving kids' physical and mental health and providing kids with life-long wellness. When a PE teacher does his or her job, they even prevent and reduce healthcare costs. All of the benefits of a PE Teacher can be found at MostImportantJob.org."
America's children are in bad shape. In fact, UNICEF just ranked US Kids in last place – 38th out of 38 countries – in physical health. The British Journal of Sports Medicine has US kids ranked 47th out of 50 countries in fitness. Nearly 50% of schools have eliminated or greatly reduced physical education in schools.
"Our country is fighting another pandemic that no one talks about…the Inactivity Pandemic. Almost 90% of kids are not active to CDC physical activity standards. Increased physical activity improves kids' physical and mental health and there is no better way to do this than through quality physical education programs in schools," says Baugh.
At MostImportantJob.org, you can view a 7-minute video, the Super 7 Benefits of a physical education teacher and videos from various experts. PE Teachers are encouraged to push out the videos and push people to MostImportantJob.org.
"I think education leaders have totally devalued the importance of being physically active for improved academic results. The research is so conclusive. And with academic results being stagnant over the past 10 years, we must wake up children's' brains through physical activity. The Chinese get it. Other countries get it. Physical activity does so much for children…and it's been cut out of their lives."
PHIT America is a non-profit organization leading a national 'Movement' to greatly improve the physical and mental health of 50 million children in the USA. PHIT has already helped more than 1100 schools rebuild their physical education program. All data and research sources can be found at IP.PHITAmerica.org.
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